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Compile SDK

Starting from version 2.0.0, the pre-compiled FunKey SDK is available on Github, and it is also compiled automatically as a first step when building the full FunKey OS distribution.

However, if you want to compile the SDK only, here are the instructions below:

On a Physical Machine / In a Virtual Machine

You may now build the SDK with:

$ make sdk

This may take a while (~1h), so consider getting yourself a cup, a glass or a bottle of your favorite beverage ;-)

Note: you will need to have access to the network, since buildroot will download the package sources.

After building, you should obtain the SDK file FunKey-sdk-X.Y.Z.tar.gz in the images directory.

In a Docker Container

You may now build your FunKey with:

$ docker run --name funkey-os funkeyproject/funkey-os make sdk -C /home/funkey/FunKey-OS

Or alternatively, you can run it in the background with:

$ docker run -d --name funkey-os funkeyproject/funkey-os make sdk -C /home/funkey/FunKey-OS

If you launch it in the background, you can still follow what is going on with either:

$ docker top funkey-os

$ docker logs funkey-os

This may take a while (~1h), so consider getting yourself a cup, a glass or a bottle of your favorite beverage ;-)

Note: you will need to have access to the network, since buildroot will download the package sources.

After building, you can copy the SDK file FunKey-sdk-X.Y.tar.gz from the container into the host current directory:

$ mkdir images
$ docker cp funkey-os:/home/funkey/FunKey-OS/images/FunKey-sdk-X.Y.Z.tar.gz images/